Klenergy is a startup focused on energy de-centralization, energy storage and energy efficiency. Our latest product, Pylon Network, is a blockchain-based, P2P energy trade platform, powered 100% by renewable energy.
Klenergy had the chance to present the Pylon Network project in front of South Summit crowd, which included many actors of the startup and energy scene.
Klenergy was awarded a trip to Silicon Valley by Spain Tech Center.
11 October 2017
It all started when a committee of experts – formed by corporations and investors – chose the 100 startups from more than 3,500 projects submitted from more than 70 countries.
South Summit, the international meeting of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, was held in Madrid from 4 to 6 October in the Madrid area of La N @ VE. South Summit 17 brought together the most important actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem: investors, startups and corporations.
Among the selected startups was Klenergy, and our latest project The Pylon Network. Its CEO and founder, Gerard Bel, has insured: “Pylon Network is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy exchange platform based on blockchain technology. All transactions occur without intermediaries and with the use of Pylon-Coin, which is used to pay for the energy exchanged through Pylon Network and was designed specifically, to reward the production of Renewable Energy (RE) in order to accelerate their implementation. Pylon Network is an ambitious, yet feasible project, which we are here to demonstrate within the Spanish energy market. This will be the first implementation of blockchain technology in the energy sector, at such a large scale – 800 people are going to participate in the pilot demonstration stage – definitely, for Europe and maybe, even globally”.
Pylon Network competed in the Energy & Sustainability category with 10 more startups. Our COO, Markos Romanos, presented Pylon Network on stage in a 3 minute pitch (you can see the pitch here) in front of the judges from all major energy utilities of Spain (Iberdrola, Endesa, Natural Gas Fenosa, Acciona).
The interest for Pylon Network was overwhelming and we are very happy for our decision of attending the event with the whole team – it was really needed! At most times, Klenergy had to be at two – or three, or even four(!) – places at the same time.
Some of the contacts paid out immediately and we have begun discussions with two big organizations regarding various aspects of Pylon Network and its implementation.
Finally yet importantly, Klenergy received the prize from Spain Tech Center, being selected unanimously as the most innovative from all finalist startups, to represent Spain in Silicon Valley (more info will follow).
It was a great experience and from our side we would like to thank everyone who participated in the organization of South Summit 17 and special thanks to Spain Tech Center for selecting us and offering us this amazing opportunity to share Pylon Network with the Valley!
Klenergy is the coordination team behind Pylon Network: a team of European engineers that for the last three years have been developing technologies aiming at empowering sustainable technologies and renewable energy generation. Klenergy is working closely with creative and conscious professionals both in the energy sector and in the blockchain developers’ community.
Pylon Network is already running in simulations and a portion of GoiEner’s customers (energy cooperative from Spain) will participate in the pilot demonstration which is planned to begin on coming November (’17) and will be funded by the Pylon-token sale (ICO).
More info on Pylon Network:
Website (download White Paper): www.pylon-network.org (English & Spanish)
Pylon Network Press Releases: http://pylon-network.org/blog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KlenergyTech
Telegram channel: https://t.me/pylonnetworkofficialtelegram
Have a question? info@klenergy-tech.com (English & Spanish)